About me


I am Vipin, the author of this blog. I am an engineer by degree and I do use my programming skills for a living. But at this point in my life, I wouldn’t identify myself as an engineer.

My life took a big turn after I started trekking with Chennai trekking club(CTC). The trekking got me into rock climbing(mainly bouldering) which in turn got me into travelling. I have a freelancing job which allows me to travel and work. All I need is a basic internet connection and my laptop.

This blog is my journal about my trek and travelling experiences, spiritual and self improvement thoughts. All the views are strictly personal and if any of the posts in this blog offend you in any way, then I apologize for that. It wasn’t my intention.

Thanks for checking out my blog. Great day!

  1. Welcome Vipin 🙂
    I used to envy you while checking out the trekking pictures in FB..
    Do give us a detailed explanation on your trekking adventures 🙂 🙂

    Keep blogging my brother!!

  2. All the best da!

  3. All the best da…..:)…Excited to know more abt ur treks….

  4. gethu po !!

  5. Hey Vipin, I didn’t know this side of you. Great going buddy. Enjoyed your DFS write up and the others in the blog. One of the best trek writeups I have read in a long time.

  6. Hey Vipin,

    this is Subhrajit from http://www.adventureclicknblog.com and we would love to have your blogs listed in our website. We have also launched a credit system for contributions by which contributors can reimburse the points for cool travel stuffs (adventureclicknblog.com/moreblognearn.php). The credit points are a way of saying thank you for your sincere effort and time for writing.

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